
I am dedicated to inspiring women (and men) to lead healthy lifestyles through diet and exercise while centering their focus on themselves and on Jesus Christ.

I am an ACE-certified Personal Trainer (since 2007), and certified Aerobics Instructor with specialty certifications in Zumba and Schwinn Cycling.

What I Believe:

First and foremost, I believe Jesus Christ is Lord. He was created in the image of God, came to this Earth to spread the gospel and paid the ultimate sacrifice for my sins, your sins and the sins of others when he was crucified on the cross, buried and rose to ascend to Heaven to his rightful seat next to God.

I also believe that my body is precious. I am perfectly made by God to what HE wanted me to be. I MUST be cognizant of the fact that I cannot permanently change certain things about my body as in eye color, height, etc but I MUST also understand that the body He gave me is a gift. A gift that I must take care of by working out physically to be as healthy as he intended for me to be, to reveal what he intended for me to look like and for me to have the strength and physical ability to carry out His work.

My body is not only my gift - it is also my husband's. Although I see nothing wrong with taking pictures of a body that I have worked hard to possess, I understand that my body is a gift for my husband to view, privately. On my site, you will NOT see any nude or implied nudity photographs or in any way make sexual gestures or references in photographs. I WILL inspire women with my physical accomplishments but will NOT compromise my Christian integrity to do so.

With all of this said, please understand that my feelings and convictions are MINE. They may not be yours and I respect that and I love that about YOU! I will be your biggest cheerleader, but please understand that I may not want to partake in the same activities/actions you are. Please be respectful in return.


  1. Tiffany, as a Christian and someone who aspires to eat healthy and exercise regularly, I must say that this is beautifully written, and I have an immense respect for you and what you do. I have marked your blog on my "favorites" list and intend to visit it daily. Thanks so much for the inspiration, but most importantly, for focusing on who truly is the center of it all. Christ is life! :)

    1. Jennifer, thank you so much! I am so grateful and humbled that my blog has touched you in such a way. Thank you for sharing that - it's great to receive positive affirmation from time to time! I hope that you share your journey with me along the way as well! Feel free to contact me any time at tiffany@tiffanystaples.com

  2. Hello Tiffany,

    I need your help! Haha actually I need to kick my butt into gear! I have a blog as well and have done every diet in the world including the clean eating one with Tosca, and I saw results on everything I did and have always lost 20-30 lbs and then gained it back :( I believe your body is a temple for the Lord and I really want to get down to my goal and STAY THERE. I don't have a problem losing the weight, I have a problem staying there and making it a true lifestyle change. I am a Christian as well and know that I struggle with this for a reason because I also believe this to be my ministry to helo and encourage other women to reach their goals and truely treat their bodies as a temple to the most high God, but I need to actually get there (AGAIN) and stay there this time. Any encouragement or recommendations from you would be helpful! I lean very natural and holistic so I believe in tying to find the best produce and getting grass-fed or organic meats, Grains are something I tend to avoid as they are my trigger food, I find when I eat grains I tend to over-do it and that leads to me eating not so good grains like chips and crackers, etc. I would love to be done with this struggle for good so I can move on with my life and help others to achieve their same goals. Sorry for the long post! haha, thanks in advance for any help!


    1. Hi Candace,

      I hope you don't think I forgot about you! How are things going? Send me an email and let's chat about how things are going for you.


  3. Your introduction of yourself and how you respect your body for not only yourself but your husband is beautiful! I completely admire and am impressed by a strong woman in this day and age that does not have to use sex appeal to get her point across--in fact I think that may detract from it. Thank you truly for standing for what is right, being healthy and beautiful, loving and respecting your husband and sharing the Gospel. You touched my heart. Thanks for the inspiration to change! Best wishes...

    1. Shelli,

      SO SORRY I am just now seeing this comment. What sweet and kind words! I hope that I am an inspiration to you and please feel free to email me or message with any questions or if you need any encouragement.


  4. Tiffany,

    I am a new follower. This post is perfect! I am also a woman of faith who believes in taking care of my body physically and nutritionally not only because it is a gift from God, but also for my husband. I have followed He and She Eat Clean for some time now, but just discovered your personal blog. We are looking forward to starting a family, so your posts on pregnancy were such an encouragement to me today! Thank you for being such a great example!

    1. Kristen,

      I am so glad you found me!! We work hard on H&S, so I'm glad that you have been following that blog as well. Please let me know if I can help in any way and good luck with starting your family - it's all worth it!


  5. " I WILL inspire women with my physical accomplishments but will NOT compromise my Christian integrity to do so."

    This sentence is why I will be following your blog! Looking forward to learning from you.

    1. Thank you so much Laura! I really strive to inspire women and stay true to my ideals and beliefs - it's not easy in this world! It can definitely be done though!

      Thanks for following and feel free to contact me anytime!
